


Trip Details
Gear outfitted to each participating student
3 Nights, 4 days
Group Size: 8-12 Participants
"I connected with all the girls on a different level in nature without overwhelming distraction."
"I learned from myself that I am more capable that I thought. I've been told that I'm not "handy" or "not capable" of doing things. And I am."
"Although it wasn't easy at all, I'm very glad I did this trip and went out of my comfort zone. And also bonded with the other girls on the trip on a different level."
"I feel that I have settled my mind and strengthened my relationships with all my friends."
"I made connections with peers I've known my whole life but never really knew. I admitted stuff to myself I haven't before which was a good connection with myself."
"Talking about my feelings made me feel better and more in tune with myself. I appreciate the beauty of nature more and bonded with people I don't usually talk to."
"I was happy to not use my phone for three days."
"I grew to learn more about people I am not as close with and laughed with them. When we return to school, I am confident that these bonds will only strengthen."
"I was cold and skeptical. I felt like I was thrown into the deep end but I'm happy now that I felt disoriented because I was forced to adapt."
"I truly feel like school, graduation and all our other senior year events will be more meaningful because I know these girls on such a deeper level and understand the struggles of my friends I never knew about."
"I found it beneficial to remove myself from society and de-stress."
"The group discussions helped everyone connect on a deeper level."
"I learned that I am stronger physically than I thought. My legs hurt but I feel like if I asked myself a week ago to do that I would not think I'd even come close."
"I was able to bond with my grade and it was really nice to do that before we graduate."
"I felt a connection to nature when the sun was out in the mornings and when we were all around the fire."
"The most enjoyable moments for me were the discussion around the fire and when KiKi sang. These were moments of pure calmness and connection."
"I finally got a chance to get to know people I never have classes with and don't know at all. I feel the same about myself and I am less scared of nature."
"I really connected with my peers on this trip, despite having known them for years. I grew, reminding myself that I can do hard things and persevere through hardship."
"It was not an easy experience, some days were harder than others. It was an opportunity to grow. The conversations and bonding were wonderful to experience."
Lake Placid Boys January 2023



Lake Placid Girls March 2023

